Monday, July 20, 2020

Lightning Storm

L.I: To use 5- 7- 10 to write creatively. 

Lightning Storm
That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill where they were forbidden to be crossed. As Drew and Jack were in the windmill they saw the rage of lightning strike across the sky and were frightened causing them to spend more time in the windmill. The windmill wasn’t the safest place that Drew and Jack could find shelter. Crouching in the windmill, frightened to be struck by lightning. 

That Night Continuing……

Drew and Jack had spent the night in the windmill because the lightning was starting to spread across the sky causing it to be very unsafe. Waiting for the lightning to stop as Drew and Jack frighteningly jumped in the air after hearing a thunder roar as loud as a lion. 

The Following Day……

The next morning the lightning had finally stopped. Drew and Jack were finally safe to be outside, they didn’t have to stay in the windmill anymore.

Today  Suila ,Fau and I used the 5-7-10 challenge to help us with our writing skills. We could choose any sentence starter from the list and write about anything we liked.

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