Wednesday, July 29, 2020

My connections to Hauora

L.I: To reflect the connections I have with Hauora.

This DLO shows how I Connect with Hauora. How I connect with Hauora is with my emotions and with my high standards. Hauora causes my community to be responsible and to achieve goals. Hauora is the meaning of healthy and well being. 

Hauora Poster

L.I: To create an information poster that explains the four walls of Hauora.

Hauora is the Maori belief of health that is unique to New Zealand. Hauora is the meaning four walls which are Taha Tinana, Taha Whanau, Taha Hinengaro, Taha Wairua and they are the walls of the "Whare Tapa Wha". All ‘walls’ work together to make us strong and well rounded. If all of the four walls are standing that means the Whare Tapa Wha will stay forever strong. The way I connect to Hauora is with my feelings, my self coincidence, my health and my strong thoughts.

Making connections to problem solving

L.I: To explore problem solving.

Today LS2 were making connections with problem solving by listening and following instructions to make a tangram. The problem I was trying to solve was when the  tangram was cut into different sizes of triangles and other shapes and I tried to figure out how to make all of those shapes into a square. One other problem I tried to solve was making an animal out of my tangram and I thought it was the hardest. A fact I learnt about the tangrams was that it was an ancient Chinese puzzle.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Rock Climbing

L.I: To use 10- 5- 7- 10- 10 to write creatively. 

Rock climbing:

There she went, climbing upside down with her harness, rope and parachute on. Lara climbed with confidence to get to the top of her destination. As Lara was starting to get half way, her leg muscles were getting sore and therefore she started to get very Uncontrollable but she still tried so hard to not stop. The sunrise was beautiful with all the colours blending in. This adventure to the top of the rocky mountain was a hard working job for Lara and all she had to do was try her best to climb.

Pasting half way through the mountain as Lara’s hand slips causing her to almost for, lucky her rope got caught on a rock for her to stop falling but that made her a bit dizzy. The the sweaty body Lara had caused her confidence to drop down lower causing her to want to stop her challenge but she rethought it and said to herself “what you start is what you finish”. The view was slowly disappearing into black and blueness. 

Just 5 more climbs until Lara got to rest. As Lara looked down she didn’t realise that she was in a high up position. Grabbing the end of the top ready to lie down as if she was surviving an attack. Lara had finished her challenge with no doubt and she was mind blown with how high she climbed. As she enjoyed being up on the steep mountain she explored around it before she left. 

Getting ready to leave, Lara thought about how she was going to get down and she was looking for an idea but then she forgot she had a parachute.

Today  Azatulah and I used the 10-5-7-10-10 challenge to help us with our writing skills. We could choose any sentence starter from the list and write about anything we liked. Yesterday I did the same writing as today but was a bit confusing so o make it easy for us to write we wrote our planner of words to write our story. Making a plan was very easy for me to understand.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Experimenting with Ultraviolet light

L.I: To find the most effective UV filter.

LS2 has been trialling the electronic sensors for the Kiwrious project. We are working with Suranga, Sonia, Evan, Dawn and Yvonne from the AHL at Auckland University. I found that craft paper was the most effective filter to keep Zally safe from the UV light. My DLO will show you how I did this.

Maths Strategy

L.I: To find the most efficient strategy to answer the question.

This DLO shows how Liletina, Juel and I worked together to get this task done. This DLO also shows how you can find the quickest way to get the answer for the 9 time tables.This   We also use different strategies to get the answer.  

Monday, July 20, 2020

Lightning Storm

L.I: To use 5- 7- 10 to write creatively. 

Lightning Storm
That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill where they were forbidden to be crossed. As Drew and Jack were in the windmill they saw the rage of lightning strike across the sky and were frightened causing them to spend more time in the windmill. The windmill wasn’t the safest place that Drew and Jack could find shelter. Crouching in the windmill, frightened to be struck by lightning. 

That Night Continuing……

Drew and Jack had spent the night in the windmill because the lightning was starting to spread across the sky causing it to be very unsafe. Waiting for the lightning to stop as Drew and Jack frighteningly jumped in the air after hearing a thunder roar as loud as a lion. 

The Following Day……

The next morning the lightning had finally stopped. Drew and Jack were finally safe to be outside, they didn’t have to stay in the windmill anymore.

Today  Suila ,Fau and I used the 5-7-10 challenge to help us with our writing skills. We could choose any sentence starter from the list and write about anything we liked.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Food Technology

L.I: To make pizza.

Today at food tech we followed the recipe to make a beef and BBQ scrumptious pizza. For our vegetables we used 1 onion, 1 carrot and 4 mushrooms. First we cut the onion so that we could fry it. Second we started to spread our sauce on the pizza bread and then we added all our veggies on the bread as well. After we finished adding all our ingredients we put BBQ sauce on and then Mrs Heka put our food in the oven. After 10 minutes of waiting we finally got to see the final results and it did not look so well as me and my buddy thought but it was so DELICIOUS!!!.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Matariki Venn Diagram

L.I: To compare the contrast.

In this Venn Diagram it shows how people used to celebrate matariki, how people celebrate matariki now and how do now and then do the same thing. I worked with Hosea and Liletina as a group and we found information about what people do on matariki now days. As we created this I learned some new interesting facts about matariki such as maori people make things out of flax like kites.

Optical Illusion

L.I: To explain what 19 cm an optical illusion is.

Mr Johnston came into our class to show us photos about illusions and talking about camouflage, He was talking about the British wearing bright red and the cross in the middle could be a good target. Then he shows us a photo with two arrow and said with one is longer.

Matariki Harvesting Birds

L.I: To use our knowledge and find three interesting information and fact about these matariki harvesting harvesting birds. 


This DLO shows interesting facts and information about 3 matariki harvesting birds. I worked with my group to find these interesting facts and information.  The three matariki harvesting birds we picked a Tui, Huia and Kereru.